I have been thinking about Valentine’s Day for about a week. Checking out cute craft videos and a whole bunch of stuff I wanted to do for my daughter’s class. Then it happened….
I was COMPLETELY Unprepared!
Do Not let the prior picture fool you… I usually have tons of lollipops in the house from my daughter’s January birthday, but this year I had none. I came across an email with some Adorable Smurf E-Cards that I had to incorporate into something. Went into my Fridge and found some Chocolate Melts that we didn’t open from the party, so I went to work…
After about 10 minutes, My pops were done and all I needed was to print out my Smurf E-Cards and Punch holes into them to make it look like the Smurfs are Holding the Chocolates. I Love It! If you are like me and have ALSO waited until Now or will wake up looking for quick ideas, then this is it!
Melt some chocolate for about 30-45 seconds, Pour into molds, place in freezer for 5 minutes or refrigerator for 10, wrap and Go! To help you out a little, Here are a few E-Cards that you can print out in both English and Spanish =)
No treats are allowed at my kid's school unfortunately. I understand the issue with allergies but I miss those days when we had more freedom! This would have been such a cute idea. I just bought my kids generic ones ;-(
The Smurf theme is amazingly cute. I love the activity at the bottom as well. I also like the punch hole effect. You're very creative. I can think of quite a few other character that this effect could be duplicated with. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful Valentine craft with us.
Unfortunately the same goes for my daughter's school, But I make sure to learn the allergies of the kids and make specific changes for some. I don't believe in stopping my child from having fun or doing something because of another child.
My niece's school didn't issue out any type of candy today. They allowed them to make cut out paper hearts, but told them their parents would have candy for them when they get home.
You did an amazing job no matter if it was last minute! I can understand the hype though as it is Valentines after all, but anyhow. I bet the kids loved it!
These are so cute! Thankfully, I have all boys so the importance of passing out a Valentine's Day card kind of melted with their age. Now, as long as their crush gets something, or just as long as they get chocolate, they're golden. haha! I wish those days of printing out cute cards like this were still around, I miss it! You did a wonderful last minute job!
Don't you just love it? Sometimes I have good intentions but just cant get it done. I think yours turned out great and good that you had those melts in the fridge.
That is so cool that you were able to make chocolate pops. I think the Smurfs card idea is also very cute. Every year, I say I want to do something creative for my nephew's class, but have never gotten around to it.
Such an adorable idea! I love the Smurfs. I especially liked adding the lollipops onto the cards.
Great ideas to use these Smurf Valentines. We are so excited for the new release of the movie. I know we will take the family out for a movie date for it.
my sonny boy's school decided that he had to search to find the perfect thing to give out this Valentine's day and it took forever. I wish I would have seen you Smurfs Valentine Crafts prior to our hunt in the stores-it would have saved me time and money, because they are so cute