MommyCon Debuts In New York City this Weekend! #FLASHGiveaway

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The nation’s largest natural parenting convention, MommyCon, launches its inaugural event in New York City at the Millennium Broadway Hotel on March 25, 2017. Featured topics of the convention include babywearing, cloth diapering, breastfeeding, infant health & nutrition, green living & natural birthing!

Aside from all that awesomeness, there will also be a product showcase hall of over 45 exhibitors showcasing the latest innovations and fashions in the parenting industry.

Keynote speakers at MommyCon include: 
* NYC’s Lance Somerfeld and Matt Schneider, co-founders of the City’s Dad Group (a diverse community of over 7,000 fathers) who will be leading the workshop “Redefining Fatherhood”. 

* Cotton Babies founder and CEO Jennifer Labit will demonstrate cloth diapering basics and techniques from her award-winning Flip Cloth Diaper system. 

* Laura Wojciechowski from Super Undies, who will discuss the challenges of potty training your toddler. 

Parenting professionals will also be on hand to attendees to discuss the benefits of babywearing, kangaroo care and sleep consultations.

Within 4 years MommyCon has build up a community of over 150,000 parents, and visited over 45 different states.

“We are really excited to finally be coming to New York City,” says Xza Higgins, MommyCon founder and Program Director. “Natural parenting communities are growing larger each year, and we have an active community of like-minded individuals in New York who we are all looking forward to meeting in person.”

Signature areas at the conference include a Babywearing Lounge and Baby Gear Area with a try-no-need-to-buy philosophy, Baby Food Court with experts talking to parents about nutrition and eating challenges, Baby Care Area and Cloth Diaper Resource Center, and Baby Safe Play Spaces for parents can take a break with the whole family.

Grab your Tickets NOW for $45 >> MommyCon

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