Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and no one ever said motherhood was easy. It’s a tough, gritty, no-pain-no-gain job that takes strength, courage and a whole lot of love. A mother’s perseverance is inspiring to say the least. Yes, motherhood is a struggle, but through all the difficulty comes reward – an endless supply. Motherhood isn’t always hearts and roses. Mother’s Day can be with Teleflora.
Teleflora’s campaign, “One Tough Mother,” would like to honor all Moms with flowers this Mother’s Day because they work a 24 hour 7 day a week job that’s incredibly rewarding but also tough. Each of these gorgeous Mother’s Day bouquets are professionally-arranged and hand-delivered by a local florist with love and care to capture the hearts and appreciation of every mother, grandmother, aunt, sister or friend.
Teleflora would love for one of you to win a beautiful bouquet to honor your mother. Prize is sponsored and will be delivered by Teleflora. The winner will have 48hrs to respond to the winning email. Failure to do so will mean forfeiting your prize and a new winner will be chosen. Good luck!
I have no plans for Mother's Day at this time.
My mom is getting a pacemaker in two weeks. So we are planning to cook her a nice dinner and have a nice visit at home. My sister will be visiting from Norway so it will be an extra special visit.
My plans for Mother's Day is to spend the day with my family & to go to dinner with my hubby & kids!
I have no plans for Mother's Day,but that can always change