What to Know about RSV and 5 Steps to help Prevent It!

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This is part of a sponsored collaboration with AstraZeneca and DiMe Media. However, all opinions expressed are my own. #RSVAwareness #PreemieProtection

Oh do I remember the thoughts that would run through my mind when I was a First time mommy-to-be. Will my baby be ok? Will she have any issues? Will I be able to last until my due date? Like many others, I went online and searched any and everything that could happen to babies. RSV was one of the many that stood out. Here’s what you need to know about Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and how you can help prevent it…
RSV is a common, seasonal virus contracted by nearly 100 percent of infants by the age of 2.1! Preemies are at higher risks to get it. RSV occurs in epidemics, typically from November through March in most of the US, but the “RSV season” can vary by geography and differentiate from year to year. The virus can lead to a mild respiratory infection with symptoms similar to the common cold or flu, but in some little ones it can develop into a much more serious infection. Severe RSV Disease is actually the leading cause of infant hospitalization (approximately 125,000) during their first year of life. That is unbelievable! 200 of those hospitalizations unfortunately result in deaths each year. That is 10 times more than infant deaths due to the flu! There is currently NO TREATMENT for RSV infection, therefore prevention is CRITICAL.

Did you Know that more than a half million babies in the US are born prematurely each year? Preemies born earlier than 35 weeks gestation are twice as likely as full-term infants to be admitted to the hospital for RSV-related symptoms. Learn about Prevention…

To help minimize the spread of RSV disease, all parents should: 
* Wash their hands and ask others to do the same
* Keep toys, clothes, blanket and sheets clean
* Avoid crowds and other young children during RSV season
* Never let anyone smoke around your baby 
* Steer clear of people who are sick or who have recently been sick 

To get tips on talking about your child’s risk factors to your pediatrician, obtain data about the RSV season in your area, read real stories of families’ experiences with RSV and more, then Visit www.RSVprotection.com!

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