Nintendo Wii U : It’s Super Mario Everything!

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Disclaimer: Nintendo provided us with the below mentioned products for free in exchange for an honest
review. All opinions are 100% Honest, my own, and are not influenced in any way. Our experiences may differ from your own! #NintendoPartner


It’s Nintendo time. I’m so excited to have been given the opportunity to work with Nintendo on a fun holiday campaign where I get to review the amazing Nintendo Wii U. We received the Nintendo Wii U: Super Mario 3D World Deluxe Edition, Super Mario Maker, & 30th Anniversary Super Mario Bros.: Mario Classic Color amiibo! Let me tell you that it brought back a lot of nostalgic memories.

The set up was amazingly quick. This deluxe set comes with a charging dock for the Wii U remote. Isn’t that cool? Now on to Game play…

I quickly set up my Mii character by taking a photo of myself! It selected many features that matched my picture, but I was able to edit it if I wanted to. I went on play Super Mario 3D World and my Toddler quickly took over. I showed her how to use the buttons and move, but obviously her looking up at the TV and moving buttons would be too much. She watched and played the game on the Wii Uâ„¢ Game Pad screen and had a great time.

I must say, Super Mario 3D World has got to be one of the best Mario games of recent years from a Game-player’s point of view. It was exciting to have multiple playable characters to choose from and each felt completely unique in play. I loved seeing that the Cat Suits, Fireball flowers, and other fun “powers” were brought back to life in this game. This is a Multi Player capable game meaning no more kids fighting over turns! The graphics were absolutely GORGEOUS and as vibrant as can be. The Wii U Super Mario 3D World Deluxe Set is definitely a great package to get and should be #1 on your holiday lists.

Now for the 2nd item on the list… Super Mario Maker makes me want to believe I’ll never again need a new video game ever. The Super Mario Maker takes almost all of the things we know, love, and grew up with from Mario over the last 30+ years (24 for me) and jams it into this pretty much never-ending Mario game. Seriously! It’s endless game play at its finest. 

You can create your own levels, upload them into the MiiVerse (Nintendo’s “Social Media”), and even play other people’s levels! It’s pretty cool to see the different levels and secret sub levels within levels that people create. #1 rule for uploading levels… You MUST be able to defeat the game yourself! That helps with internet trolls trying to upload unbeatable games. It’s also fun to see if other people have died where you have died within shared levels.

You can even use amiibo characters within your created levels to surprise the MiiVerse players. Lets say I start people off in a level as Peach. I can actually have them enter a door or go down a tunnel and come out as the 8Bit Classic Mario. Then once the bonus level is completed, they go up the tunnel and become peach again. That sounds awesome and I can’t wait to actually create and finish a level like that.

I’m seriously in love with our Wii U Super Mario 3D World Deluxe Set, Classic Mario amiibo, and Super Mario Maker. No Christmas tree should be without the Wii U wrapped below it.

Now tell me:

What is your FAVORITE Super Mario Game of all Time?
Leave it in the comments below…

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