Disney’s Sleeping beauty has awoken from the Disney Vault! #SleepingBeautyMoms

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Disclaimer: I was invited to this event as Media, I was not
compensated in anyway. We all received a Sleeping Beauty Diamond Edition Blu-Ray  for attending, but as
always my opinions are honest and 100% mine.

I don’t know about you all, but every time a Disney movie gets put into the Disney Vault my heart shatters a little knowing that years have to go by before we are able to see these timeless classics again. That is the case with beautifully enhanced Sleeping Beauty!

The Moms put together an exclusive screening of Disney’s Sleeping Beauty for twirling princesses and a few princes in New York City to celebrate the release of Sleeping Beauty from the Disney Vault! The movie will be available for
the first time on Diamond Edition Blu–ray in Digital HD from now until She’s back in the Disney Vault!

I brought along my mother, Daughter, Fellow Mommy Blogger (The Mommy Elf), and her adorable daughter. Before the movie started we got to play a few fun trivia games! The Mommy Elf had this game Down packed being that this is her ultimate child hood favorite movie. She won an adorable prize bag which included a cute wand and Tiara set along with a cute Aurora lunch bag that she gave to my Gabs.

You MUST get this Diamond Edition Blue-ray if you were born a Disney Baby like me, would like to share some classics with your children, or even if you’ve never seen it before. It’s such an amazing film. Check out Gabby’s new lunch bag below…. She just wouldn’t let it go!

0 thoughts on “Disney’s Sleeping beauty has awoken from the Disney Vault! #SleepingBeautyMoms

  1. I have to make sure to get this while its out. My LO is just now starting to like Disney princesses so I think she would like to watch this when shes a little older. also, I adore your daughters anchor moccs!! they are precious

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