Relativity Studios has released the FIRST TRAILER and IMAGES from their upcoming release KIDNAP! This film is a heart-stopping action thriller following a mother (Halle Berry) who will stop at nothing to rescue her kidnapped son. This is one film that I’m sure many mothers will agree that we are all the same when it comes to protecting our kids. One line in the trailer really gets me and that is…
“That’s what all these people did. They waited…”
She says this referring to parents of other missing children from years prior. It’s unfortunate when a kidnapping happens. We all know it’s real, but don’t know how much the pain really is until you’ve come close or actually experienced it. When Halle Berry says this line, it immediately gave me chills because parents are always told to “wait right here” while paper work is being filled out and that gives the kidnapper more time to get away! I can not WAIT to see this film because I know i would do all the same to keep my kid safe.
Halle Berry uses “Marco….Polo” to keep track of her baby, I use the term “I love you” and await the “I Love you too” response. Check out the trailer below.
In theaters everywhere this winter.
This movie looks so interesting and I like Halle Berry in the movies. I will have to see the movie Kidnap!