DIY Puffy Paint Hearing Aides for Dolls ! #Tutorial

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As many of you know, my daughter wears hearing aides for her Sensorineural Bilateral hearing loss. At 4 months old, she was given her hearing aides. She is now 2 years old (turning 3 in January) and still has trouble Keeping it in. It’s extremely hard to find dolls that “wear” hearing aides in stores and I find it very sad so help my daughter feel comfortable in her own skin through her toys, I decided to draw hearing aides on her dolls using puffy paint! Now on to what many of you have requested… A (Video) tutorial of how to give puffy paint hearing aides to your child’s dolls using puffy paint.

All you’ll need is :
– A damp cloth
– Puffy Paint
– Dolls with ears (Best when they have the inside shape of the ear)
– Clips to Keep doll’s hair, if any, out of the way

Are you ready? Just Click Play!

Will you be giving some dolls their “Listening Ears“?

0 thoughts on “DIY Puffy Paint Hearing Aides for Dolls ! #Tutorial

  1. This is really a great way to have kids with hearing disabilities have a doll that is just like them. While my own daughter's hearing is good, although she does suffer from "selective hearing", if we ever experience hearing loss, I'll be sure to refer back to this post so that we can have a doll just like us too!

  2. Aw, what a nice idea, one you should patent. Would be a fantastic way to help children with hearing disorders and a good learning tool.

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