Chuck E. Cheese’s New Pizza is Toddler Approved!

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Disclaimer: One of the Lovely Reps for Chuck E. Cheese provided us with a Gift Certificate to taste the new Pizza Recipe. However, all opinions are 100% honest and all mine.

We are Chuck E. Cheese Pizza fanatics. We love to head there whenever we get the chance or even when we just want a pizza pie to go. When we got invited to check out Chuck E. Cheese’s new pizza recipe, we didn’t hesitate to say yes. I mean, they were claiming to have beaten Pizza Hut’s Thin & Crispy pepperoni pizza in a national taste test.

I grabbed the family and headed to our nearest Chuck E. Cheese location with our Gift card and coloring pages (Each one offered the kids 5 free tokens) in hand. The one thing I do love about Chuck E. Cheese is that every person from the same group gets the same Number stamp. It glows under UV light for the workers when you leave so that they know the child you are leaving with belongs to you. 

We made our line and ordered a Large thin & crispy pepperoni pizza, 4 soft drinks, and 30 Tokens off their new menu. I upgraded one of our soft drinks to a souvenir cup for $1.49 so that we can get unlimited refills all year long. We placed our number ticket on an empty table’s placeholder and while we waited for our food to arrive, the kids got to play. The pizza was on our table before we knew it.

I’m a huge fan of thin crust pizza, always have been. This pizza was amazing! The parents loved it and so did the kids. This was the first time and will not be the last that we buy the Thin & crispy pizza. I strongly suggest you get on out to your closest Chuck. E. Cheese and get a taste of real awesome goodness!

Ever been to Chuck E. Cheese? 
What did you order? 
Let us know in the comments below!

0 thoughts on “Chuck E. Cheese’s New Pizza is Toddler Approved!

  1. As a kid I was so scared of this mouse! Now he is kinda cool ( twenty some years later 😉 ) I have only brought my oldest daughter to Chuck E Cheese's so I will be bringing my youngest soon so we can enjoy as a family and the pizza looks amazing

  2. I haven't been to Chuck E Cheese in ages! I might just go in there because it will be nostalgic 🙂 My girls have always enjoyed their pizza 🙂

  3. We haven't taken the kids to Chuck E Cheese but I have fond memories there growing up. Maybe something to do this weekend. The kids love pizza and it's such a great environment. Love the idea of thin crust too!

  4. Chuck E Cheese is my least favorite place in the whole wide world. The only time my daughter gets to go if her Grandpa is taking her as as a treat or it's a birthday. Even then I carry around loads of Germ X. I just don;t like it lol

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